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South Amboy Elementary News

South Amboy District News


Greetings, South Amboy Families! We are excited to embark upon a
new school year that is bound to be filled with amazing experiences
for our scholars, families, faculty and staff! As we prepare for the
2024-2025 academic year, I’d like to introduce new members of our
team and reacquaint you with some familiar faces, some of whom
have transitioned into new roles. It is important that everyone is not
only aware of who is part of our phenomenal Instructional Leadership
and Support Teams, but that you are also aware of some of the many
roles that each have within the district.

Read More about September Newsletter - Meet The Team (opens in new window/tab)
First page of the PDF file: 2024ResidencyRenewal-1stNotice

As per South Amboy Board of Education Policy 5111, the district reserves the right to verify the residency of students to ensure that our records are up to date. We recognize that for some of our students we may not have the latest set of documents to confirm residency in South Amboy. As a result, we are going to require all families to submit at least two of the documents on the back of this letter to ensure that our records are up to date in Genesis and your son/daughter(s) Cumulative File(s).

  • District
Read More about 2024 Residency Renewal - 1st Notice (opens in new window/tab)