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Dear Parents/Gurdians:

There are picture retakes on Monday, April 19.  A message was emailed to everyone on how to order pictures and also how to sign up for a time slot.  The information on both of these is below.

Time slot reservation:
Click on:    Picture day time slot 

If your child is in person on Monday please reserve a time in the 9-12:30 window. We will get them from class and bring them for the pictures, please email your teacher the time you requested as well.  If your child is remote please schedule a slot in the 1:30-3:00 window.  You will bring them to the doors near the cafeteria on John St and they will exit the main doors on John St. 

How to order pictures:
1.) Click on:   Picture Ordering
2.) Enter your picture day code: EVT6ZQ64K

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ South Amboy ES
Posted by sdunphy  On Apr 16, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Please take a moment to read the letter below from a company called Pathways for Success.  They offer a number of free programs for kids in our community.  

Pathways Letter.pdf

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Apr 01, 2021 at 2:13 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is an all call going out Thursday evening, here is what it contains:

I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy Spring Break.  We do not have school, Friday April 2, and we return to school on Monday April 12th.  During our week off you can still pick up meals at the Middle/High School on Tuesday and Thursday between 12 and 2 pm, and on Wednesday evening between 6 and 7 pm.  Have a great break, stay safe, and have a great evening.

Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 31, 2021 at 11:09 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

We would like to congratulate all our students for working hard, especially during this difficult time.  Below you will find our second trimester Honor Roll for grades 4 and 5.

4th gr Trimester 2.pdf

5th Gr Trimester 2.pdf

Congratulations to our Honor Rollees!

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 22, 2021 at 2:24 PM

Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is an all call going out tonight, March 22, below is the information it conatains:

This is just a reminder that our arrival doors are open 8:30-8:40.  We have seen an uptick in students arriving late.  This makes arrival procedures very difficult, please make every effort to make it here prior to 8:40.  We also are not able to accept any materials dropped off after the doors close, if a student forgets an item please just keep it at home until the next day.

Stay Safe,
Sean Dunphy
Principal~ SAES
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 22, 2021 at 10:22 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

 I know this has been a challenging year, at Girls on the Run they have been very busy modifying their program to meet all Social Distancing protocols. They are happy to be offering their program OUTSIDE, at Waterfront Park, at a time where girls need movement, a place to share with their peers, and just an opportunity for FUN!  Please see the flyer below for more details on this wonderful program that we have been a part of for the past 5 years.

Waterfront Park-South Amboy Spring 2021.pdf

Stay Safe,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 19, 2021 at 1:48 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Below you can watch a video by Dr. Ken Kunz.  He is one of our favorite Literacy Presenters that we have for our staff throughout the year.  He took the time to put together a quick video for our parents about the importance of literacy and books.  Please take a moment to watch it:

 Family Literacy Video

Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 18, 2021 at 2:38 PM

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We have now completed two full weeks since we were able to return to a hybrid schedule with our Purple and Gold Day students coming in for in person instruction two to three days a week. Our students have been great and a building with students is far more enjoyable than one without. We want them in school; however, we need your help. Many of our students are arriving for in person instruction each day without the online Covid-19 Questionnaire being completed. This results in the school staff having to stop the student from attending class, then reaching out to the parent to ensure there are no concerns the school needs to address. The completion of this form protects all of our children as well as our staff. 

As a district, we have decided that the importance of the daily Covid-19 Questionnaire completion cannot be overstated; thus, we will be imposing the following to all in person students as of Monday, March 15, 2021.

Any day a student is scheduled for in person instruction, a Covid-19 Questionnaire must be completed. If there are three occurrences of the form not being completed, we will be forced to place the student on Virtual/Remote only instruction for the remainder of the school year.

If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Sean Dunphy

Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 12, 2021 at 6:42 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Mrs. Tice put together these art galleries from her art classes over the last month.  The kids did a tremendous job. Enjoy the art galleries below!

Grade 4-5 February Virtual Gallery.pdf

Grades 1-3 February ART GALLERY.pdf

Stay Safe,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 09, 2021 at 2:22 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Central Jersey Girl Scouts are running a free virtual program on Thursday 3/11 from 6:30-7:30.  Please see the flyer below for more details:

Shamrock Seniors Event Flyer.pdf

Stay Safe,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 08, 2021 at 2:11 PM
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