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Dear Parents/Guardians:

I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable winter break.  We have noticed that many students have received mobile phones or smartwatches over the holidays.  We understand that you prefer for your child to have these items while they are in school, but it is against our school policy that these items can be used in our building.  The expectation is that cell phones/smartwatches/recording devices are turned off and remain in their backpacks from the time they enter the school building until the time they leave the school building.  Please remind your students of this policy.  Administration will be doing the same reminders during class today. 

If a student is found using their smartwatch, cell phone, or any recording device during school hours, they will face the consequences as outlined in our code of conduct, which can be found below:

Cell Phone/Smart Watch Use (including but not limited to taking pictures/videos in school, during school hours, texting, chatting, or making phone calls)

Item confiscated

Parents contacted

Item picked up by guardian 

1 After School Detention

Item confiscated

Parents contacted

Item picked up by guardian

2 After School Detentions

Item confiscated

Parents contacted

Item picked up by guardian

1 Day OSS

Item confiscated

Parents contacted

Item picked up by guardian

*** Cell phones/recording devices/Smartwatches must be turned off and kept in student backpacks.  Any photography, filming or posting on social media during the school day or on school property (including busing to and from school) will result in disciplinary action.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Sean Dunphy

____________________________ Spanish Version ___________________________________________

Estimados padres/tutores:

Espero que todos hayan tenido unas vacaciones de invierno relajantes y agradables. Hemos observado que muchos estudiantes han recibido teléfonos móviles o relojes inteligentes durante las vacaciones. Entendemos que usted prefiere que su hijo tenga estos artículos mientras está en la escuela, pero va en contra de nuestra política escolar que estos artículos puedan usarse en nuestro edificio. La expectativa es que los teléfonos celulares/relojes inteligentes/dispositivos de grabación estén apagados y permanezcan en sus mochilas desde el momento en que ingresan al edificio de la escuela hasta el momento en que salen del edificio de la escuela. Por favor recuerde a sus estudiantes esta política. La administración hará los mismos recordatorios durante la clase de hoy.

Si se descubre que un estudiante usa su reloj inteligente, teléfono celular o cualquier dispositivo de grabación durante el horario escolar, enfrentará las consecuencias como se describe en nuestro código de conducta, que se puede encontrar a continuación:

Uso de teléfono celular/reloj inteligente (incluido, entre otros, tomar fotografías/videos en la escuela, durante el horario escolar, enviar mensajes de texto, chatear o hacer llamadas telefónicas)

Artículo confiscado

Padres contactados

Artículo recogido por el tutor.

1 Detención después de la escuela

Artículo confiscado

Padres contactados

Artículo recogido por el tutor.

2 detenciones después de la escuela

Artículo confiscado

Padres contactados

Artículo recogido por el tutor.

1 día EE. UU.

Artículo confiscado

Padres contactados

Artículo recogido por el tutor.

*** Los teléfonos celulares/dispositivos de grabación/relojes inteligentes deben estar apagados y guardados en las mochilas de los estudiantes. Cualquier fotografía, filmación o publicación en las redes sociales durante el día escolar o en la propiedad escolar (incluido el transporte en autobús hacia y desde la escuela) resultará en una acción disciplinaria.

Gracias por su atención a este asunto.


Sean Dunphy


Posted by sdunphy  On Jan 03, 2024 at 10:49 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

We have a few upcoming events that I would like to let you know about.

1.) The SA PTO is sponsoring a Staff v. Harlem Wizards basketball game on January 6.  Come see some of yoru favorite staff members participate in the game.  Check out the video:

2.) We have short session days on 12/14 and 12/22. (PK Dismissal at 12:30, K-5 at 12:40)

3.) Our Spirit Week is coming up from 12/18-12/22 see that attached flyer for details.

Spirit week December 18 2023 (1).pdf 

4.) Schools are closed from 12/23 - 1/2/23

We hope everyone has a terrific winter break!

Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Dec 11, 2023 at 2:45 PM

Dear Parents/Guardians:


The South Amboy PTO is hosting our annual Holiday Shop for students next week! It’s a special time for your children to experience the joy of giving by selecting thoughtful gifts for loved ones.


Here are some key details:

Monday 12/4 - Friday 12/8 

Please see the teacher schedule attached.


If you are available and willing to contribute your time, please sign up for a volunteer slot using this link:


Your support means the world to us, and we truly appreciate your commitment to making South Amboy's Holiday Shop a magical and memorable experience for our students.


Happy Holidays,

Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES

Posted by sdunphy  On Nov 28, 2023 at 7:11 AM

The South Amboy Elementary School staff would like to wish you a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.  Enjoy your break and we will see everyone on Monday.  

Posted by sdunphy  On Nov 22, 2023 at 7:59 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

If you ordered items from the PTO Flyer Sale Fundraiser, you can pick them up on Tuesday 11/21, between 6-8 pm, in the SAES Cafeteria during Parent-Teacher Conferences.

SAPTO Flyer Sale pick-up event 11_21_23.jpg

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Nov 16, 2023 at 10:18 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is an all call going out tonight, 11/15.  Here is the message:

Friday 11/17, we have our parent teacher conferences and it is a short session day. Dismissal is at 12:30 for PK and 12:40 for grades K-5.  The MHS DOES NOT have a short session day on Friday.  Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up promptly so our teachers can prepare for the conferences.  If you wish to schedule a conference you can do so through the Genesis Parent Portal.

 Thank you and have a great evening
____________________________________________________________Spanish Version Below

El viernes 17/11 tenemos nuestras conferencias de padres y maestros y es un día de sesión corto. La salida es a las 12:30 para PK y a las 12:40 para los grados K-5. El MHS NO tiene un día de sesión corta los viernes. Por favor haga arreglos para que recojan a su hijo lo antes posible para que nuestros maestros puedan prepararse para las conferencias. Si desea programar una conferencia, puede hacerlo a través del Portal para padres de Génesis.

 Gracias y que tengas una excelente tarde.

Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Nov 15, 2023 at 9:26 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Our Halloween celebration will be Tuesday, October 31st, which is a shortened session day.  Dismissal for grades K-5 will be at 12:40 PM.   Pre-K will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.  Lunch will still be served. 

Halloween Costumes:

       *Costumes should be worn to school.  Please no guns, swords, weapons, etc.

       *Masks must be brought into school in the backpack.

*Face make-up may be put on at home, if needed.  NO cans of hair color spray or silly string will be permitted in school.


Halloween Parade: (There will be no parade if it rains)

       This year, PreK will be joining the Kindergarten - 5th Grade parade.*** (They will not walk separately on George St. earlier in the day as in previous years.) The parade route will begin at the George Street doors (Doors 12/13) at 11:15, and then proceed to Broadway, John Street, Stevens Avenue, and back through the George Street doors. Parents are encouraged to watch but please keep the sidewalks clear for our students to pass. 

***Ms. Frank and Ms. Sosa’s classes will be exiting George St, traveling up to Broadway, then entering the John St main entrance. (They will not be traveling around the entire route)


*CLASS PARENTS will be able to gain entrance to the building at 11:00 AM for all grades. Classroom celebrations will end at 12:30 PM except for PK which will end at 12:20 PM.  Once again dismissal of students in PK will be 12:30 PM and grades K-5 will be at 12:40 PM.


Sean Dunphy

Principal ~ South Amboy Elementary School
________________________________SPANISH VERSION______________________________

Estimados padres/tutores:

Nuestra celebración de Halloween será el martes 31 de octubre, que es un día de sesión acortado.La salida para los grados K-5 será a las 12:40 p.m. Pre-K saldrá a las 12:30 p.m.. Se seguirá sirviendo el almuerzo.

Disfraces de Halloween:

       *Se deben usar disfraces para ir a la escuela. Por favor, nada de pistolas, espadas, armas, etc.

       *Las mascarillas deben traerse a la escuela en la mochila.

*El maquillaje facial se puede aplicar en casa, si es necesario. NO se permitirán en la escuela latas de spray para teñir el cabello ni cordeles tontos.


Desfile de Halloween:(No habrá desfile si llueve)

       Este año, PreK se unirá al desfile de Kindergarten a 5to grado.*** (No caminarán por separado en George St. más temprano ese día como en años anteriores). La ruta del desfile comenzará en las puertas de George Street (puertas 12/13) a las 11:15 y luego continuará hacia Broadway, John Street, Stevens Avenue y regresará por las puertas de George Street. Se anima a los padres a que observen, pero mantengan las aceras despejadas para que nuestros estudiantes pasen.

***Las clases de las Sras. Frank y Sosa saldrán de George St, viajarán hasta Broadway y luego entrarán por la entrada principal de John St. (No viajaránalrededor toda la ruta)


*PADRES DE CLASE Podrán ingresar al edificio a las 11:00 a.m. para todos los grados. Las celebraciones en el aula finalizarán a las 12:30 p. m., excepto PK que finalizarán a las 12:20 p. m. Una vez más, la salida de los estudiantes de PK será a las 12:30 p. m. y los grados K-5 serán a las 12:40 p. m.


Sean Dunphy

Director ~ Escuela Primaria South Amboy

Posted by sdunphy  On Oct 30, 2023 at 1:02 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is the time of the year where we accept nominations for teacher of the year and education specialist of the year.  If you wish to nominate one of our staff members please do so rhrough the form below.

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Oct 29, 2023 at 8:57 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Tuesday, 9/19, is our Back To School Night.  We have a short session day tomorrow.  Dismissal is at 12:30 for PK and 12:40 for grades K-5.  Our Back to School event is from 6-8 pm, John St doors open at 5:45.  This event is for parents and guardians only.  Please refrain from bringing children to the event.  We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night.

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy

El martes 19 de septiembre es nuestra Noche de Regreso a Clases. Mañana tenemos un día de sesión corto. La salida es a las 12:30 para PK y a las 12:40 para los grados K-5. Nuestro evento de regreso a clases es de 6 a 8 p. m., las puertas de John St se abren a las 5:45. Este evento es solo para padres y tutores. Por favor absténgase de traer niños al evento. Esperamos verlos a todos mañana por la noche.

Posted by sdunphy  On Sep 18, 2023 at 7:33 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

There are 2 all calls going out tonight (one for PK and one for everyone else) as well as an email.  It is a welcome back all call, the information is below:

This is for grades K-5:

We begin our year tomorrow, Thursday, September 7.  Our John St door will open for breakfast at 8:10, all other students will be allowed to enter at 8:30.  Please keep in mind that arrival and pick up can be very busy, please just drop off your students and then pull away to allow for others to drop off.  Please check your email regarding dropoff and arrival doors.

This is for PK:

We begin our year tomorrow, Thursday, September 7.  We ask all our PK students to come in at 9am with their parents. Ms. Hardy, Ms. Oks and Ms. Depreta will use the George St entrance, doors 12 and 13.  Ms. Frank and Ms. Sosa will use door 16 on John St by the donation bins.  You will stay for about an hour, then leave with your child.  Friday will be their first full day of school.
Please see below for the Arrival/Dismissal Plan for each grade level:

Arrival / Dismissal Plan

Grades will utilize the following entrances:

  • Grade 1 and 3: John St Main Entrance  DOOR #1 (Grade 3 will dismiss at Door 16)

  • Grade 2: George St Entrance (nearest second grade) DOOR #14 and #15 

  • Grade 4, Mr. Parks’ and Ms. Durant’s class: Hoffman entrance (closest to the cafeteria) DOOR # 5 

  • Grade 5: Hoffman Entrance (closest to the Field) DOOR # 6 


Classes are identified by the Teacher’s name 

  • Morelli and Cannon DOOR #13 will enter/exit through George St doors on blacktop 

  • Kosakowski, Hibell and Quigley and Loizos will enter/exit through George St doors nearest the field DOOR # 11 

  • Ms. Oks, Ms. Depreta and Ms. Hardy will enter at George St entrance on blacktop DOOR # 12

  • Ms. Sosa’s and Ms. Frank’s classes will enter through the John St PK doors, DOOR # 16. (door closest to Broadway)

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Sep 06, 2023 at 11:34 AM
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