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Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is an all call going out tonight, Thursday, April 14.  The information from the all call is found below:

  1. We held a lock down drill for our aftercare students yesterday.  This is a drill that we have run for our classes but also wanted to be prepared with our before and after care programs.  

  2. We would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy spring break.  We will return to school on Monday, April 25.

Thank you,

Sean Dunphy

Posted by sdunphy  On Apr 14, 2022 at 7:56 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Please see the flyer below for details on summer camp offerings from the YMCA for your children.  There are some great opportunities!

SA Elementary Camp 2022 flyer.pdf

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 10, 2022 at 1:54 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is a webinar on Tuesday, 3/22/22 from 6:30-7:45.  This webinar is for understanding trusts and guardiuanships for special needs students.  If you are interested in logging into the webinar, please see the flyer below for more details.

FOR POSTING South Amboy 3-22 ABLE webinar invitation.pdf

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 08, 2022 at 2:28 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Our South Amboy Players are putting on Mary Poppins Jr. next Friday and Saturday, March 11 and 12 at the South Amboy Middle/High School Auditorium.  Show starts at 7 pm.  Tickets are still available please see the flyer below for details on how to purchase tickets.

Mary Poppins (1).pdf

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 04, 2022 at 8:30 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is an all call going out tonight, 3/1/22.  Here is the information going out:

  1. Please refrain from using the staff parking lot.  It is unsafe to have parents using the lot for drop off and pick up.

  2. As the weather is getting warmer, I am just reminding everyone that we ask to not have pets at arrival or dismissal times.  We do have students that are either allergic or scared of animals.  Please keep your pets across the street if you feel you need to bring them with you.

  3. For Read Across America week, tomorrow is wacky Wednesday. Wear your wackiest outfit.

  4. Finally, reminder that Friday is a short session day dismissal is 12:30 for PK and 12:40 for K-5.

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES


Estimados padres/tutores:

Hay una convocatoria general esta noche, 3/1/22. Aquí está la información que se publica:

  1. Por favor, absténgase de usar el estacionamiento del personal. No es seguro que los padres usen el lote para dejar y recoger a los niños.

  2. A medida que el clima se vuelve más cálido, solo les recuerdo a todos que pedimos no tener mascotas a la hora de llegada o salida. Tenemos estudiantes que son alérgicos o tienen miedo a los animales. Mantenga a sus mascotas al otro lado de la calle si siente que necesita traerlas con usted.

  3. Para la semana de Read Across America, mañana es miércoles loco. Usa tu atuendo más loco.

  4. Finalmente, un recordatorio de que el viernes es un día de sesión corta y la salida es a las 12:30 para PK y a las 12:40 para K-5.


Sean Dunphy

Director ~ SAES

Posted by sdunphy  On Mar 01, 2022 at 10:04 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Join us for a SA PTO Meet and Greet on March 1 at Dunkin' Donuts, on Rte 9 in Old Bridge, near Home Depot.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Posted by sdunphy  On Feb 23, 2022 at 7:28 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Our local library, the Sadie Pope Dowdell Library, is sponsoring and art contest.  Please see the flyer below for details.  There is a $25 Panera Gift Card prize.


Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Feb 17, 2022 at 4:02 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Our student Government Club is hosting a Veterans Supply Drive.  Please see the list attached for items that are needed.  The drive ends this Thursday, 2/17.

Veterans Supplies Needed.pdf

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES
Posted by sdunphy  On Feb 15, 2022 at 9:17 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Tomorrow, Thursday, February 3 and Friday, February 4 are short session days for parent teacher conferences.  PK dismisses at 12:30 and grades K-5 dismiss at 12:40.  Please be prompt in picking up your children so our teachers can prepare for conferences. Remember that our conferences are virtual and you will need to schedule them through Genesis. When you log in to a conference you need to log in with your child's email.

Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES

Posted by sdunphy  On Feb 02, 2022 at 9:20 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians:

The district has set up a Lunch and Learn Google Meet session for Wednesday, February 16, from 11:30-12:30.  The topic of this session is services that are provided from the Alliance Center for Independence for students and families.  This session is focused for parents, child advocates and families of students with disabilities.  Please see the attached flyer for log in information.

Inivte - Lunch and Learn.pdf

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Posted by sdunphy  On Feb 02, 2022 at 9:04 AM
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