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Band Lessons continue the first day we return. Mondays: DRUMS Tuesdays: TRUMPETS/TROMBONES Wednesdays: FLUTES Thursdays: SAXOPHONES/CLARINETS  Band Rehearsals begin again on January 9th after school. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 2:55PM - 3:55PM. Students should be picked up promptly at the Hoffman Doors at 3:55PM. Chorus Rehearsals begin again on January 18th after school. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 2:55PM - 3:55PM. Students should be picked up promptly at the Hoffman Doors at 3:55PM. Lastly, Please make sure you are receiving my announcements/reminders through "Remind." I have been using this as a sure way for parents to receive information quickly and timely, in addition to being able to reach me directly. If you have not been getting my messages through "Remind" please send me an email to be sure that you have been added to the class.
Posted by lcotter  On Jan 03, 2018 at 11:45 AM