3 Important Items  
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Please take note of these 3 important items:

1.) Tomorrow, Friday, October 30, is our first Friday of our Purple/Gold Days.  It is a PURPLE DAY for our in person students (grade PK and K).

2.) Each day, it does not matter whether you are virtual or not, you need to fill out our Covid-19 Questionnaire in Genesis.  Dr. Gurczeski put together the video below to show you how to access the parent portal in Genesis, where you wil be filling out the form.

Covid-19 Form Video

Covid-19 Video (Spanish Video)

3.) Monday, November 2, we begin the second part of our rollout.  Monday is a PURPLE Day.  All students who were assigned PURPLE Day, in person learning in grades 1 and 2, as well as the students who have already been in school this past week are to go to their specified doors.  Grade 1 uses the John Street Main Entrance, Grade 2 uses the George St. entrance by the second grade wing.

Thank you and Be Safe! 

Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES
Posted by sdunphy On 30 October, 2020 at 12:36 PM