All Call November 2 
Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is an all call going out tonight.  Here is what the message contains:

We are completely virtual tomorrow, Tuesday, November 3, due to Election day. Wednesday, November 4 we will have our Gold in person students. Schools are closed Thursday and Friday, November 5th and 6th.

Each day every student needs to have the Covid -19 Questionnaire filled out in Genesis, before they enter the building.  Failure to do so multiple times will result in the student being placed in all virtual learning.

Keep in mind doors open for arrival at 8:30 and close promptly at 8:40, for grades K-5, no student will be admitted at their arrival door after 8:40.

Thank You,
Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES
Posted by sdunphy On 02 November, 2020 at 3:33 PM