I-Ready Diagnostics 

Dear Parents/Guardians:

This month your students are going to be taking I-Ready Diagnostic testing online.  This is an important phase in both our Math and ELA programs.  You can click on this link to watch a short 6 minute video about the testing and how you can support your child.   I-Ready Diagnostic Family Resources 

Here are a few insights to our assessments and how you can support your child from home:

1.) What should I know and expect as a parent/guardian?
● Computer adaptive assessments are designed to determine what standards students know and don’t know yet.
● Remind your child they will see questions they might not know the answer to and some easier questions. We need to know what they do know and do not know yet. This is expected.
● The purpose of the i-Ready diagnostic is not to give your child a score or grade, but to determine how to best support their learning.

2.) How can I support my child during the assessment if they are working virtually?
● Provide a quiet space free from distractions and potential interruptions.
● Make sure your child is logged into their district Google account.
● Make sure they have paper and pencil to work out the math questions.
● Play the role of supportive teacher. Encourage them to do their best and reassure them.
Encourage and support, but DON’T HELP. Think of it this way—would you help your child with a vision test? No, because hints won’t help the eye doctor help them. With i-Ready, hints on the test now could negatively impact your child’s instruction later.
● It is important that all questions are answered independently by the student.
● Use the phrases below or others here to help your child 
1.)  “Wow. That looks like a very advanced question. Remember, it’s okay if you don’t know it. Just try your hardest and give your best guess so that i-Ready can find your ‘just right’ level. And then move on.”
2.) “Looks like you could use a quick break. Do you want to finish this question now or when you get back?”
        3.) “Remember this assessment is finding out what you know, and do not know yet. It is okay that you don’t know something now because you’re going to learn it.”
● Your child is able to log off and back on, your progress will be saved.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a partner in your child’s learning.  

Sean Dunphy

Posted by sdunphy On 07 January, 2021 at 9:33 AM