Yearbook Photos 
Dear Parents/Guardians:

We are having a yearbook this year, and we will be advertising for our student yearbook photos shortly.  Since this school year is SOOOOOO different from any other year, we need your help.  Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Gundrum have worked out a way that parents can submit both portraits and candids to possibly be put into the yearbook.  We cannot guarantee that every picture submitted will make the yearbook, but we want you to begin to submit them.  Below are two files that tell you exactly how to submit a photo.  These photos come directly to Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Gundrum.  Please help us make this the best yearbook we can by submitting some of your photos.

eShare Overview - SAEL21.pdf 


Thank you for all your help!

Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES
Posted by sdunphy On 08 January, 2021 at 3:00 PM