Conferences Reminder 
Dear Parents/Guardians:

There is an all call reminder about conferences going out tonight.  Here is the information it contains:

This is just a reminder that our Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow and Friday, 2/4 and 2/5, and will be held virtually.  You can sign up for conferences in Genesis.  Because of the conferences please be aware that the schedule changes a little bit for our students and staff.  Dismissal is at 12:40 your specials times may have changed and there is no student or parent support on these days.   Bleow you will find the times and specials classes for Thursday and Friday:
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1 8:40 9:11 4th
2 9:14 9:45 5th
3 9:48 10:19 3rd
4 10:22 10:53
5 10:56 11:27 K
6 11:30 12:01 1
7 12:04 12:40 2

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Stay safe, thank you, and have a great evening.

Sean Dunphy

Posted by sdunphy On 03 February, 2021 at 12:42 PM