Important Reminders 
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Here are some very important reminders for the upcoming weeks:

  1. School Pictures are Monday 2/22 and Thursday 2/25.  You need to sign up for a time slot which can be done here: School Pictures Signup
  2. Our PTO is hosting a virtual book fair through Scholastic.  The book fair, which is completely virtual, begins Monday 2/22 and runs through Monday 3/7.  You can read all about it in this letter: 2021 Scholastic Book Fair_principal_letter_online.pdf
  3. We are returning back to school on Monday, March 1.  I sent an email home to all parents 2/18/21, please check Genesis to see if your placement is correct.  You can view which day your child is to return to school by looking at the Student Data Tab on the parent portal.  Purple day students come Monday and Wednesday, Gold Day Students come in Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We alternate every Friday.  Friday, March 5, will be a Purple day.  If you see that your child is fully virtual they will remain fully virtual. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the main office.
  4. The week of March 1 is Read Across America Week.  Being that it is our first week back and Read Across America Week, we would like to have some fun.  The PTO has put together theme days for that week:


We look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Sean Dunphy ~ Principal SAES

Posted by sdunphy On 19 February, 2021 at 10:59 AM