Picture Retakes 
Dear Parents/Gurdians:

There are picture retakes on Monday, April 19.  A message was emailed to everyone on how to order pictures and also how to sign up for a time slot.  The information on both of these is below.

Time slot reservation:
Click on:    Picture day time slot 

If your child is in person on Monday please reserve a time in the 9-12:30 window. We will get them from class and bring them for the pictures, please email your teacher the time you requested as well.  If your child is remote please schedule a slot in the 1:30-3:00 window.  You will bring them to the doors near the cafeteria on John St and they will exit the main doors on John St. 

How to order pictures:
1.) Click on:   Picture Ordering
2.) Enter your picture day code: EVT6ZQ64K

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ South Amboy ES
Posted by sdunphy On 16 April, 2021 at 10:24 AM