Coloring Contest Ages 5-6 and 7-9 
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Christ Church in South Amboy is sponsoring a coloring contest.  There are two different age groups, 5-6 and 7-9.  One winner will be selected from each age group.  Please see the information below, as well as the coloring sheets.  The Nativity Scene sheet is for the younger ages, 5-6.  The Star of Bethlehem is for the older ages 7-9.  You can find more information on the flyer.

Christ Church Coloring Contest 2021 -3 (1).pdf

Star of Bethlehem Coloring Sheet Ages 7 to 9 (1).pdf

Nativity Scene Coloring Sheet 5 to 6 years (1).pdf

Thank you,
Sean Dunphy
Principal ~ SAES
Posted by sdunphy On 02 December, 2021 at 3:24 PM