January 1 Parent Letter 


Dear Parents/Guardians:

First of all, Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a safe and healthy winter break.  As we have seen in the past two weeks there has been a rise in Covid cases.  Due to these occurrences we are instituting a few changes at the elementary school.  Please read below:

  • We will increase spacing between students during our lunch sessions.

  • We will be requiring our students to wear their masks at recess, both indoor and outdoor.

  • There may be a slight change in lunch times due to spacing.

Please make sure your students are wearing appropriate fitting facemasks.  This is imperative in order for our students and staff to remain safe and continue in person instruction.  Thank you in advance for reading this letter and having your children adhere to the changes above.

See you on Monday, January 3!


Sean Dunphy


Posted by sdunphy On 01 January, 2022 at 1:48 PM